Monday, December 13, 2010

Zoo Minyan & AU Hillel

Hey Zoo Minyan-ites!

Please remember we borrow the AU Hillel Torah, and please make a donation to them, in any amount

AU Hillel donations

End your year on a Chai note!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Fri. night Zoo Minyan - Dec 10th

When Hanukkah ends, what do you do for Erev Shabbat???
come to

**Mt. Pleasant**

Fri night Zoo Minyan

Dec. 10th

We'll have spirited songful Davening and delicious dinner (catered entrees from Sienna's). We'll be in Mt. Pleasant, at the home of Judith & David. We're seeking davenning leaders, and there's always room for davenning treats, special niggunim, etc., just write back to to volunteer.

Please make a
donation toward dinner and/or bring a potluck contribution (veggie/dairy) -- details below.

The Details:
Friday night, Dec 10
Shmoozing plus set-up: 5:30pm
Rockin' Kabbalat Shabbat -- 6:00pm sharp!
Followed by Ma'ariv, dinner, singing, drashing, more shmoozing....

At the home of Judith & David

For directions, check your Zoo mail, or email

ABOUT DINNER (it's not just a pot-luck!)

We will have main courses from Siena's! Kosher, lots of dairy plus at least one non-dairy option, all veggie, and all yummy! Vegetable lasagna, eggplant parmesan -- send in your requests

For shabbat dinner, the community provides some hearty entrees. You can:
  1. Contribute to the kitty to help pay for the entree AND / OR
  2. Bring a side dish, salad, or desert as a dairy / veggie pot-luck contribution.

Don't worry about whether your kitchen is kosher (or “kosher enough”), everyone gets to contribute. But please be prepared to explain what's in your dish, to help people avoid allergy or kashrut issues.

If you're worried about whether you'll be able to eat at Zoo Minyan, there is always a critical mass of pot-luck contributions with a heksher or cooked in someone's heksher-only kitchen. There are always hekshered challot and grape juice, plus the entree is hekshered. And you'll get to know people as you ask who brought which dish.

Questions? Ideas? Want to help? Need the address or directions? Write back to

Shabbos is coming!


For more FRIDAY NIGHT INFO, get all the details here. And for upcoming Friday night dates & Shabbat Morning dates, check the Zoo Minyan Google calendar (yep, it's there, just to your left, top of the page) as updates unfold.

Monday, November 15, 2010

THIS WEEK Vayishlach - send yourself to Zoo - Nov. 20

Vayishlach - And you should send...yourself to Zoo Minyan this Sat.!

In this week's parsha, Ya'akov finally returns home, and receives God's blessing (35:9). Zoo Minyan returns home this week too, in a way. We last met two weeks ago, as one of the multiple communities that came together at Adas Israel to celebrate and observe shabbos with Rabbi Ethan Tucker (zachor and shamor being distinct approaches to shabbat, as we learned together that Friday night).

Shuls are an essential part of the fabric of Jewish communal life, and all the more so when they reach out beyond the walls of the building to bring people together. At the same time, home-based davenning is an ancient and ongoing stitch in that same fabric, providing a different weave and vibrant splashes of color. Come join us for haimishe davenning, singing, drashing, share a meal together, air out your neshama yetaira (your expanded shabbos soul) and settle into the comfortable lap of the shechina.


Zoo Minyan is meeting this Sat.

We'll be gathering for davenning, lunch, shmoozing, singing, etc., this Saturday in Cleveland Park (within walking distance of the Zoo, as is Zoo Minyan custom) at Stefan's house.

Want to volunteer to lead something for davenning, or add something to enrich our kavannah (we call them davenning treats, i.e. creative tidbits, not actual food ;) Schlep a sefer torah, or bring some Zoo Minyan veggies? Write back to

For Leyning there are aliyot available (please sign up if you can!)...use self-service leyning spreadsheet, or email

The Details:

Zoo Minyan
Saturday, Parshat Vayishlach, 20 Nov
10am sharp, with a rockin' Psukei d'Zimrah
Pot-luck dairy/veggie lunch -- main courses especially appreciated

At the home of Stefan G. For directions, check your Zoo mail, or email

Shabbat Shalom

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Next Zoo Minyan - Sat. Nov. 20

To lead, Leyn
offer a Davenning Treat, or
bring Zoo Minyan Veggies,


See you soon!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

weekend: "Exploring Observance in a Pluralistic Setting” - Oct 29-31

This Weekend:
“Exploring Jewish Observance in a Pluralistic Setting”

Led by Rabbi Ethan Tucker, Adas Israel and area independent minyanim—including Zoo Minyan!—will be “Exploring Jewish Observance in a Pluralistic Setting.” With events spanning the weekend (Oct. 29-31) there's something for everyone. Visit details & schedule-of-events for more info and to RSVP.

To volunteer for part of Zoo Minyan leading/leyning, email

Experience the power of Torah Lishma—learning for its own sake.

See you there!

Special Guest: Rabbi Ethan Tucker

Rabbi Tucker is Rosh Yeshiva at Mechon Hadar and chair in Jewish law.
He was a faculty member at the Drisha Institute for Jewish Education,
where he taught Talmud and Halakhah in the Scholars Circle. He was
ordained by the Chief Rabbinate of Israel and earned a Ph.D. in Talmud
and Rabbinics from the Jewish Theological Seminary and a B.A. from
Harvard College. A Wexner Graduate Fellow, he was a co-founder of
Kehilat Hadar and a winner of the first Grinspoon Foundation Social
Entrepreneur Fellowship.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Save the Date - Sat. Nov 20th (& Oct 29-31)

Next Zoo Minyan - Sat. Nov. 20

(we are *not* meeting Nov. 13th)


Oct. activity:
Rabbi Ethan Tucker at
Torah Lishma weekend

Oct 29-31

Independent Minyanim co-sponsoring with Adas Israel
See a schedule of events and RSVP online


Details coming soon...

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Zoo Minyan Sukkah time - Thurs. Sept 23

Sukkot is here!

Need some more Chag?
Missing your Zoo Minyan chevre? Want to meet new folks?
Come gather together and share a festive potluck in Woodley Park, at the sukkah of Deborah & Shalom Flank.

6pm Dinner & Mincha
7:45pm Candles & Ushpizin/Ushpizata for Ice Cream

Thurs. night, September 23, (2nd night Sukkot)
Starting at 6pm
Pot-luck dairy/veggie dinner -- main courses especially appreciated

At the home of Deborah Hittleman Flank and Shalom Flank. For directions, check your Zoo mail, or email

Chag same'ach!

FACEBOOK! Be sure to
check out our Events on our page! Send 'em to your friends.

(people are RSVPing like crazy!)

Simhat Torah option

There's no Zoo Minyan, but there's the first ever TLS Simhat Torah celebration...

(Tikkun Leil Shabbat)



Thursday, September 30, 2010
7:15 pm

+ Church of the Pilgrims building, 2201 P St NW
+ Gothic building (with large rainbow "welcome" banner) on west side of 22nd St between P & Q Sts, NW. Enter around to the left side of the main entrance through the stairs down marked "Fellowship Hall."
+ Directions:

Join TLS for our first ever Simchat Torah celebration! We'll begin with ma'ariv (the evening service)*, continue with hakafot (dancing with the Torah), and conclude by completing and restarting the annual reading of the Torah. Wear your dancing shoes!

- The first 4 hakafot will be a cappella (without instruments).
- The last 3 hakafot will be accompanied by instruments (a klezmer band).

If your last name starts with the letters A-L, bring a potluck snack that can be eaten with fingers.
If your last name starts with the letters M-Z, bring a hydrating beverage or a pitcher for water
You may bring other beverages as an additional contribution if you wish.
(There will not be a regular potluck dinner. All are encouraged to eat dinner before arriving - it will be a late night!)

*TLS is a diverse Jewish community. Some of us celebrate 2 days of yom tov (festival), including Thursday night Sep 30 as the second night of yom tov. Some celebrate one day of yom tov and see Thursday night Sep 30 as a weeknight. Some don't have an opinion one way or the other. This service will be set up to accommodate all of these different practices. You can read further about the one day and two-day yom tov celebration practices here:

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Next Zoo Minyan: Sukkot!

In the coming Chaggim intensive month, Zoo Minyan will not be having any of the usual Sat. or Fri night davenning. The next Zoo Minyan activities will be for *Sukkot*

For the *Physical*,
Raising the Sukkah --- Sun. Sept 19th @ 4pm

Come play with wood, nuts, and bolts

For the *Spiritual*,

>>> Dinner in the Sukkah --- Tues night Sept 23
Potluck dinner in the Sukkah, 2nd night of Sukkot

Sukkah will be in Woodley Park (within walking distance of the Zoo, as is Zoo Minyan custom) at Deborah and Shalom's house.

(Additional details coming soon)

FACEBOOK! Be sure to check out our Events on our page! Send 'em to your friends.

Monday, August 16, 2010

"Labor on the Bima " Zoo Minyan w/ UAW drash - Aug 28

.Come enjoy a drash over lunch by UAW (United Auto Workers) insider at Zoo Minyan's "Labor on the Bima"

..come enjoy "davenning treats" with a Labor theme

...Maybe sing some Labor songs?

(celebrating JUFJ program "Labor on the Bima")
(Zoo Minyan is doing its programming the week **before** labor day, so it won't conflict with other congregations' programs, so come on down!)

if you can tell us you're coming we'd appreciate it, but RSVP is never required

We'll be gathering for davenning, lunch drash, shmoozing, singing, etc., in Woodley Park (within walking distance of the Zoo, as is Zoo Minyan custom) at Deborah and Shalom's house.

Want to volunteer to lead something for davenning, or add something to enrich our kavannah (we call them davenning treats, i.e. creative tidbits, not actual food ;) Schlep a sefer torah, or bring some Zoo Minyan veggies? Write back to

For Leyning there are aliyot available (please sign up if you can!)...use self-service leyning spreadsheet, or email

The Details:

Zoo Minyan
Saturday, Parshat Ki Tavo, 28 August
10am sharp, with a rockin' Psukei d'Zimrah
Pot-luck dairy/veggie lunch -- main courses especially appreciated

At the home of Deborah Hittleman Flank and Shalom Flank. For directions, check your Zoo mail, or email

Shabbat Shalom

Sunday, August 08, 2010


In recent months, the Kotel in Jerusalem has been even less of a site of kedusha and unity, with Rosh Chodesh davenners with Women of the Wall subject to a new wave of harassment, arrest, and even the threat of violence. As we enter the season of Teshuva on Rosh Chodesh Elul, we stand in solidarity to sound the wake-up call of the Shofar.

Rosh Hodesh Elul Morning Service

WHEN: Wednesday, August 11, 7:30 a.m.

WHERE: Adas Israel, 2850 Quebec Street, NW, Washington, DC
(Metro: Red Line, Cleveland Park)


A cross - denominational group of women and men will gather in solidarity with Women of the Wall and begin the spiritual journey toward the new year. Women will lead the service, including reading from the Torah. The service, like those held on Rosh Hodesh by Women of the Wall in Jerusalem, will accommodate participants from across the Jewish spectrum.

of the Wall strive to achieve the right to pray together at the Western Wall (Kotel) in Jerusalem, Judaism’s most sacred holy site and the principal symbol of Jewish peoplehood and sovereignty.

who would like to lead part of the service or read from the Torah should contact Virginia Spatz, 202-557-0086,

Please bring a prayerbook (siddur) if you are able and a tallit if you wear one. While women will lead the service, men are encouraged to come.

"One thing I have asked from You, one thing I seek, to dwell in Your house all the days of my life." -- Psalm 27

For more details, please visit
or on Facebook "Rosh Hodesh Elul DC".

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Save the Date

Labor on the Bima - Sat. Aug 28

(the week **before** Labor day)

Details coming soon...

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Fri. night Zoo Minyan - July 30th

Pop quiz -

What happens on the Shabbat following TLS (Tikkun Leil Shabbat) with instruments?

Fri. night Zoo Minyan, of course!

(Did you know that's our usual schedule?)

So, it's been a while since we've had Shabbos together - hope you can come...

***** Next week - Fri. July 30th *****

We'll have spirited songful Davening and delicious dinner (catered entrees from Sienna's). We'll be in Woodley Park, at the home of Deborah & Shalom Flank. We're seeking davenning leaders, and there's always room for davenning treats, special niggunim, etc., just write back to to volunteer.

Please make a
donation toward dinner and/or bring a potluck contribution (veggie/dairy) -- details below.

The Details:
Next Friday night, July 30
Shmoozing plus set-up: 6:30pm
Rockin' Kabbalat Shabbat -- 7:00pm sharp!
Followed by Ma'ariv, dinner, singing, drashing, more shmoozing....

At the home of Deborah and Shalom Flank

For directions, check your Zoo mail, or email

ABOUT DINNER (it's not just a pot-luck!)

We will have main courses from Siena's! Kosher, lots of dairy plus at least one non-dairy option, all veggie, and all yummy! Vegetable lasagna, eggplant parmesan -- send in your requests

For shabbat dinner, the community provides some hearty entrees. You can:
  1. Contribute to the kitty to help pay for the entree AND / OR
  2. Bring a side dish, salad, or desert as a dairy / veggie pot-luck contribution.

Don't worry about whether your kitchen is kosher (or “kosher enough”), everyone gets to contribute. But please be prepared to explain what's in your dish, to help people avoid allergy or kashrut issues.

If you're worried about whether you'll be able to eat at Zoo Minyan, there is always a critical mass of pot-luck contributions with a heksher or cooked in someone's heksher-only kitchen. There are always hekshered challot and grape juice, plus the entree is hekshered. And you'll get to know people as you ask who brought which dish.

Questions? Ideas? Want to help? Need the address or directions? Write back to

Shabbos is coming!


For more FRIDAY NIGHT INFO, get all the details here. And for upcoming Friday night dates & Shabbat Morning dates, check the Zoo Minyan Google calendar (yep, it's there, just to your left, top of the page) as updates unfold.

Monday, July 05, 2010

Thank you

Thank you to our T-shirt sponsor donor - we appreciate your stepping forward to support Zoo Minyan's continued participation and visibility.

Todah Rabah!

Scholarship Funds Still Available /NHC Summer Institute

(message from National Havurah Committee)

Scholarship Funds Still Available

Join hundreds of other participants from across North America in creating a joyful grassroots community August 2-8, 2010 at Franklin Pierce University's beautiful Rindge, New Hampshire campus. Request a scholarship grant when you register online.

Please click here to register now.

NHC Summer Institute - Work-study

(message from National Havurah Committee)

Work-study Position Available

A work-study position has recently become available for the National Havurah Committee Summer Institute 2010. The participant can attend the Institute for $400 plus NHC dues, and participate fully in the rest of the program in exchange for driving a 10 foot panel truck to and from Institute from Philadelphia. The driver must be able to leave Thursday, July 29th from Philadelphia and will return Sunday, August 8th.

To apply for the truck driver position call the Institute office (215-248-1335) or email

Monday, May 17, 2010

Sponsor T-shirt (in honor of a Simcha?)

Greetings Zoo-Minyanite,

Zoo Minyan is looking for $36 to keep our name on the NHC Summer Institute t-shirt. (National Havurah Committee)

As a T-shirt sponsor, our name joins dozens of other havurot, minyanim, shuls, synagogues, and grassroots Jewish communities on the back of the shirt.

Many Zoo Minyan folks attend the National Havurah Committee Summer Institute each year. (You should consider attending this year!)

Perhaps you're moved to donate in honor of someone or something in your life. Perhaps in honor of a Simcha.

There's a deadline, so please act now.

Many thanks for considering it!

Shavua Tov.

check out or
email for more information.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

also: Sunrise 10 Commandments!

For Shavuot, we'll be helping lead the Sunrise service and reading the 10 Commandments.
(and don't forget the all night Tikkun, or afternoon BLINTZfest, details below.)

Come hear the 10 Commandments
at Mt. Sinai and join the Sunrise / Hashkamah
service at 5 a.m. Wed.

Arrive at 5am, or be a Tikkun participant during the night - all are welcome!

Adas Israel - 2850 Quebec St. NW

for more info contact

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Shavuot: Tikkun 5/18 - BlintzFest 5/19

Dear Zoo-Minyanite,

***Tikkun Leyl Shavuot***:
as we approach the 40th day of counting the Omer, Shavous and the giving of the torah are almost upon us. And the great joy of receiving the Torah at Mt. Sinai is preceded by the uplifting night of Tikkun Leyl Shavuot, a night of study and community (that continues late and for some can go all night!)

Of the many communities offering Tikkunnim the night of May 18th, Zoo Minyan will be lending it's support to the Adas Traditional Minyan in Cleveland Park. if you would like more information --or would like to lead or co-lead a sessions on the topic of your choice after midnight--, contact

***MAY 15th***:
Zoo Minyan will *not* be meeting after all on May 15, and the community wishes a hearty Mazal Tov to Becca Rosen & Zach Teutsch on their aufruf and upcoming Chuppah.


Blintz Fest at Deborah and Shalom's - 1st Day of Shavuot -- 5pm, May 19
Come join Shalom & Deborah for their Annual Shavuot Blintz Fest!
Sleep to your hearts content on the 1st day of Shavuot and then come by starting at 5pm.
Blintzes come fresh from Grandma's heirloom blintz pan - you are invited to bring toppings. If you are in the mood, other Hekshered potluck items are welcome but certainly not required. Eat Bubbelah eat!

TIME: 5 p.m. through ???

At Deborah and Shalom's house in Woodley Park. For directions, check your Zoo mail, or email

No RSVP necessary (but always appreciated) -


Shavuot Tov!
(like Shavua Tov - get it???)

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Cancelled - Sat. April 24th

Alas, we have not enough leyners for this week's Double Parsha Torah reading.
so this Sat. April 24 Zoo Minyan is canceled.

next Zoo Minyan -- May 15th Bamidbar - A fresh start in the desert.

sorry for disappointment this week.

NOTE: if you are a leyner, please consider signing up now to leyn May 15.

Good Shabbos to all.
Shabbat Shalom.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Halfway from Egypt to Sinai - Sat. April 24

This shabbos we'll be halfway through the 50 days of the Omer, balanced between Egypt and Sinai. A good time to move from looking back over our shoulders, and start lifting our eyes to the mountain. Except Am Yisrael didn't know they were heading to Sinai! What surprises and revelations lie in front of *us*? Come join Zoo Minyan for davenning, Torah reading, lunch, and learning, this coming shabbos -- you never know where your next Sinai will be found.

if you can tell us you're coming we'd appreciate it, but RSVP is never required

(updated: 4/20/2010)
Location below

Zoo Minyan is meeting this Sat.

We'll be gathering for davenning, lunch, shmoozing, singing, etc., next Saturday in Woodley Park (within walking distance of the Zoo, as is Zoo Minyan custom) at Deborah and Shalom's house.

Want to volunteer to lead something for davenning, or add something to enrich our kavannah (we call them davenning treats, i.e. creative tidbits, not actual food ;) Schlep a sefer torah, or bring some Zoo Minyan veggies? Write back to

For Leyning there are aliyot available (please sign up if you can!)...use self-service leyning spreadsheet, or email

The Details:

Zoo Minyan
Saturday, Parshat Parshat Acharei-K'doshim, 24 April
10am sharp, with a rockin' Psukei d'Zimrah
Pot-luck dairy/veggie lunch -- main courses especially appreciated

At the home of Deborah Hittleman Flank and Shalom Flank. For directions, check your Zoo mail, or email

Shabbat Shalom

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

REMINDER... April 16 - Fri. night Zoo Minyan

Just a reminder:
  • Cleveland Park,
  • home of Rabbi Gilah Langner & David Dreilich.
(Consider donating to the Sienna's catering "kitty")

Details below - Shabbos is coming!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

What happens at Fri. night Zoo Minyan?

Here's a description of some Spiritual & Physical aspects of a Fri. night Zoo Minyan.

For the *Physical*,
>>> see below for details about dinner -- it's not just a pot-luck!

For the *Spiritual*,
>>> here you go...

A few things to expect (besides the unexpected)

  • Creative rituals and Kavanot
For example: To add sweetness from the week to shabbat, we will pass around the kiddush cup during kabbalat shabbat. For each of the mizmorim (psalms, corresponding to each of the days of the week), a few people at a time will share something from their week to add to our overflowing cup of joy.
  • Nigunim

Both soulful and spirited tunes, with lots of repetition and space to sink into the melodies. (Sometimes, you don't really start singing a good melody until you've been singing it for 20 minutes!)

  • Nusach shivyoni

Davenning leaders will be using our photocopied siddurim with egalitarian language (see the Guide for the Perplexed). Other siddurim will also be available, and everyone is welcome to daven from their own siddur. Certain kinds of cacophony / pluralism create their own harmony.

  • Raza d'Shabbat ("the mystery of shabbos")

Between Kabbalat Shabbat and Ma'ariv, where Nusach Sefard has a passage from the Zohar and Nusach Ashkenaz has a passage from the Mishnah, we will have a (three minute) drash. Drawing on the text of the tefillot (or parshat shavua or other relevant texts), we aim to provide kavannah for davenning and for our entry into shabbos.

About Dinner

We will have main courses from Siena's! Kosher, lots of dairy plus at least one non-dairy option, all veggie, and all yummy! Vegetable lasagna, eggplant parmesan -- send in your requests.

For shabbat dinner, the community provides some hearty entrees. You can:

  • Contribute to the kitty to help pay for the entree,


  • Bring a side dish, salad, or entree as a dairy / veggie pot-luck contribution.

Don't worry about whether your kitchen is kosher (or “kosher enough”), everyone gets to contribute. But please be prepared to explain what's in your dish, to help people avoid allergy or kashrut issues.

If you're worried about whether you'll be able to eat at Zoo Minyan, there is always a critical mass of pot-luck contributions with a heksher or cooked in someone's heksher-only kitchen. There are always hekshered challot and grape juice. The entree is hekshered, and (for the l'mehadrin) heated while double-wrapped. And you'll get to know people as you ask who brought which dish.


Helping out:

  1. Picking-up dinner entrees from Rockville
  2. Schlep siddurim, pot-luck plates & utensils, and benchers
  3. Helping to organize set-up and clean-up
  4. Leading Kabbalat Shabbat
  5. Raza d'Shabbat: Kavanah / Torah between Kabbalat Shabbat and Ma'ariv
  6. Leading Ma'ariv

Write back to to help out!


Any questions, about this or anything else, please contact

Thursday, April 08, 2010

Fri. night Zoo Minyan - April 16

Now we are free! As we emerge from Pesach, make plans to join Zoo Minyan Fri. night, April 16, for a tune filled joyful Erev Shabbat.

We'll have spirited songful Davening and delicious dinner (catered entrees from Sienna's). This time we'll be in Cleveland Park, at the home of super-hosts Rabbi Gilah Langner & David Dreilich. (Zoo Minyan will be davenning there, and then we'll combine for dinner with Ruach Minyan who will arrive after their separate davenning.)
We're seeking davenning leaders, and there's always room for davenning treats, special niggunim, etc., just write back to to volunteer.

Please make a donation toward dinner and/or bring a potluck contribution (veggie/dairy) -- details below.

The Details:
This Friday night, April 16
Shmoozing plus set-up: 6:15pm
Rockin' Kabbalat Shabbat -- 6:45pm sharp!
Followed by Ma'ariv, dinner, singing, drashing, more shmoozing....

At the home of Rabbi Gilah Langner & David Dreilich

For directions, check your Zoo mail, or email

ABOUT DINNER (it's not just a pot-luck!)

We will have main courses from Siena's! Kosher, lots of dairy plus at least one non-dairy option, all veggie, and all yummy! Vegetable lasagna, eggplant parmesan -- send in your requests

For shabbat dinner, the community provides some hearty entrees. You can:
  1. Contribute to the kitty to help pay for the entree AND / OR
  2. Bring a side dish or salad as a dairy / veggie pot-luck contribution.

Don't worry about whether your kitchen is kosher (or “kosher enough”), everyone gets to contribute. But please be prepared to explain what's in your dish, to help people avoid allergy or kashrut issues.

If you're worried about whether you'll be able to eat at Zoo Minyan, there is always a critical mass of pot-luck contributions with a heksher or cooked in someone's heksher-only kitchen. There are always hekshered challot and grape juice, plus the entree is hekshered. And you'll get to know people as you ask who brought which dish. Questions? Ideas? Want to help? Need the address or directions? Write back to

This week, Challah for Shabbos!
Next week, Zoo Minyan!
Shavua Tov!!


For more FRIDAY NIGHT INFO, get all the details here. And for upcoming dates, check the Zoo Minyan Google calendar (yep, it's there, just to your left, top of the page).

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Dates for April (+ Paid internship?)

Pesach is on the horizon, but once we're out of Egypt what will we do?
Go to Zoo Minyan of course!

So here's a quick reminder of dates in April:
  • April 16: Fri. night
  • April 24: Zoo Minyan (Sat.)

Add them to your calendar now, and look forward to seeing you then.

If you (or anyone you know) might be interested in a PAID Internship with NHC check below.

National Havurah Committee PAID internship

The NHC is currently looking for a Summer Assistant (Intern). If you know anyone who might be interested in this job please encourage them to call or email the office. The job description is here.

The office is located in Mt. Airy, Philadelphia near public transportation, free parking and restaurants for lunch. The 10 days in New Hampshire are on a university campus in the mountains with a lake.

Yael Levin
Managing Director
National Havurah Committee

7135 Germantown Avenue, 2nd floor
Philadelphia, PA 19119
215-248-1335 Phone
215-248-9760 Fax

Zoo Minyan does not normally post info for non-Zoo Minyan items, with the exception of NHC /National Havurah
Committee, the Havurah umbrella organization we are proud to be a member of.)

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Sat. - March 20

See you on Sat.?

Are you one of the people feeling rested from last weekend's Havurah retreat?
Feeling invigorated by it?
Maybe you're feeling invigorated by the arrival of Spring and sunshine?
Or perhaps you're in search of invigoration?
Maybe you're just looking for a nice place to daven with Ruach?

Lucky for you...

Zoo Minyan is meeting this Sat.

We'll be gathering for davenning, lunch, shmoozing, singing, etc., next Saturday in Woodley Park (within walking distance of the Zoo, as is Zoo Minyan custom) at Deborah and Shalom's house.

SPECIAL NOTE: This week is also Erev Shira/ Evening of Song (folk singing and musical instruments) Come join us Sat. night -
S'udah Shlisheet & Niggunim start 6:30pm; Havdallah & Instruments start 8:30pm


(now back to info on regular Zoo Minyan Sat.)

Want to volunteer to lead something for davenning, or add something to enrich our kavannah (we call them davenning treats, i.e. creative tidbits, not actual food ;) Schlep a sefer torah, or bring some Zoo Minyan veggies? Write back to

For Leyning there are aliyot available (please sign up if you can!)...use self-service leyning spreadsheet, or email

The Details:

Zoo Minyan
Saturday, Parshat Vayikra, 20 March
10am sharp, with a rousing Psukei d'Zimrah
Pot-luck dairy/veggie lunch -- main courses especially appreciated

At the home of Deborah Hittleman Flank and Shalom Flank. For directions, check your Zoo mail, or email

Shabbat Shalom

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

This Fri night (March 5)

Hope to see you Friday night -

Mt. Pleasant - Ken Goldstein's

(for details see your Zoo-mail sent Feb. 25th, see blog entry below (under drash), or email

Shavua Tov!

--now, how's that for short & sweet?--

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Breaking the cycle

An adapted version of Shalom's drash at Adas

(without the shpieling)

As a skeptical teen-ager, I read Milton Steinberg's As a Driven Leaf.  Decades later, one particular scene remains with me.  Rabbi Akiva is imprisoned by the Romans (thanks to an informant who was an apostate rabbi, but that's a longer story).  Even in such dire straits, he is still focused on responding to the urgent questions smuggled to him by the Jewish community on the outside.  One such question (p. 446): Do the Psalms of Solomon belong in Tanach?

For some reason, this question really struck me.  You mean historical figures, painted in such flesh-and-blood terms in Steinberg's novel, were deciding which books were sacred and which were not?  Then what made them sacred?  And how could someone raise themselves above such degrading circumstances as a Roman prison (described graphically in the novel) to focus on such ethereal questions?  The intimate and confusing mingling of sacred and profane in this scene has stuck with me all these years.

It turns out the novel's scene with Rabbi Akiva is based on the Mishnah (Yadayim 3:5).  But what did I know of mishnah as a skeptical teen-ager?  It also turns out the Megillat Ester is one of the books subject to some dispute.  But what is the dispute really about -- what would it mean if a given book were determined to be "in" or "out" of Tanach?

Rabbi Marouf, the rabbi at Magen David, the sephardi shul in Rockville, addressed this question recently.  He concludes, based partly on the Rambam's Hilchot Talmud Torah (laws of studying torah) that "becoming a book of Tanach is more a function of the laws of Torah Study than of a particular book's intrinsic value."  By including Megillat Esther, we are committing ourselves collectively to making it a standard part of our curriculum, worth consistent and focused attention, year after year.

Okay -- so what is that we learn from Megillat Ester?  What's the teaching that made this book important enough to include in our regular curriculum, i.e. Tanach?  Rabbi Elizabeth Richman gives one important answer.  What's the narrative fulcrum of Megillat Esther?  Surely, it's the decree that Haman convinced the King to issue (3:13), giving authorization:

לְהַשְׁמִיד לַהֲרֹג וּלְאַבֵּד אֶת-כָּל-הַיְּהוּדִים מִנַּעַר וְעַד-זָקֵן טַף וְנָשִׁים בְּיוֹם אֶחָד, בִּשְׁלוֹשָׁה עָשָׂר לְחֹדֶשׁ שְׁנֵים-עָשָׂר הוּא-חֹדֶשׁ אֲדָר; וּשְׁלָלָם, לָבוֹז

"to destroy, to massacre, to exterminate all the Jews, young and old, children and women, on a single day, on the thirteenth day of the twelfth month -- that is, the month of Adar -- and to plunder their possessions."

The horror of this decree, and its all too familiar repetitions and implementations through our history as a people, is what requires the layers of protective and curative ritual -- the antics, the alcohol, the absurdities of Purim celebrations.  Nonetheless this is the verse that we quote, almost in its entirety, in the "al ha-Nissim" for davenning on Purim.

Rabbi Richman points out that after Haman's classic denouement, the counter-decree issued at Mordechai and Esther's request -- dramatically introduced by the longest verse in all of Tanach -- is essentially identical (8:11-12):

לְהַשְׁמִיד וְלַהֲרֹג וּלְאַבֵּד אֶת-כָּל-חֵיל עַם וּמְדִינָה הַצָּרִים אֹתָם, טַף וְנָשִׁים; וּשְׁלָלָם, לָבוֹז

בְּיוֹם אֶחָד, בְּכָל-מְדִינוֹת הַמֶּלֶךְ אֲחַשְׁוֵרוֹשׁ--בִּשְׁלוֹשָׁה עָשָׂר לְחֹדֶשׁ שְׁנֵים-עָשָׂר, הוּא-חֹדֶשׁ אֲדָר

"to destroy, to massacre, to exterminate its armed force together with women and children, and plunder their possessions -- on a single day in all the provinces of King Ahashverosh, namely, on the thirteenth day of the twelfth mount, that is, the month of Adar."

Except for substituting "its armed force" for "all the Jews", all the other phrases in the decree are identical.  Is this what victory consists of?  As Rabbi Richman puts it, adopting the language of our oppressor?  That the Jews should emulate Haman, of all people, so perfectly?  Of course not -- for in the events described in the Megillah, the Jews don't actually fulfill that decree.  We do kill 75,811 men -- but no mention is made of any massacre by Jews of women or children.  And the text specifies that "they did not lay hands on the spoil" (in sharp contrast to the haftarah of Shabbat Zachor).  In fact, disdaining the spoils of war is mentioned in three different verses, and is also the conclusive response in the gemara (Megilla 7a) discussing whether or not Megillat Esther was written with Ruach ha-Kodesh (divinely inspired).

For Rabbi Richman, this lesson taught by studying Megillat Esther (and in observing Ta'anit Esther) is to "help us reflect on the transition from powerlessness to power. For both communities and individuals who have gained power, it can be easy to unthinkingly imitate those who have oppressed us."  I view the lesson as the equivalent of a Geneva Convention -- a recognition that even when doing something awful, we must still abide by certain restraints that make us human.

But I am not satisfied with the lesson, not at all.  It reminds me of what happened when I was an undergraduate student in a ROTC class (long story...).  The topic one day was chemical warfare, including what was back then a fairly left-wing proposal for a Chemical Weapons Convention (which is now international law).  All of these military officer candidates in my class, to my shock, supported the idea!  That afternoon, I talked optimistically to a good friend of mine, a campus radical, about the common ground I had found between do-gooder arms-control and hard-core military types.  But she wanted no part of it.  From her perspective, warfare was always warfare, and engaging in military action was never okay, no matter how many restraints you put on it.

I've come around to that position, philosophically if not practically.  Of course the Jews in Shushan had to defend themselves.  But in their doing so, there's nothing worth learning from, or even particularly worth emulating.  Professor Aryeh Cohen taught me that the Purim story is a graphic illustration of the "cycle of non-redemption" -- we do to them, whatever they were going to do to us.  We get the same decree issued, carry out (almost) the same slaughter, hang Haman on the very tree intended for Mordecai.  The classic reversals of Purim ("nehpach") are just another way of describing a cycle.  If there are lessons to be learned in Megillat Ester, they must be about how we break that cycle.

Indeed, the text provides a perfect redemptive antidote, building gradually through three successive attempts.  In 9:17, the Jews make the 14th of Adar a "yom mishteh v'simcha", a day of feasting and gladness.  Now, feasting, drinking and rejoicing may not do you much good when murdering hordes descend on you.  But when the cycles of history return you to power, it may lessen the thirst for revenge.  So we are required to this day, to participate in communal feasts on Purim afternoon.

But that's not enough.  In 9:19, Purim is not only a day of "simcha u'mishteh v'yom tov" (gladness, feasting, and festival), it is also a day for mishloach manot, sending goodies to one another.  That is, we shouldn't limit our community to those seated around our own table, but should extend those bonds as broadly as our means of transportation and the number of cookie sheets in our ovens can support.

But the teaching is not complete until the third attempt.  9:22 is the crowning verse of the entire Megillah:

כַּיָּמִים, אֲשֶׁר-נָחוּ בָהֶם הַיְּהוּדִים מֵאֹיְבֵיהֶם, וְהַחֹדֶשׁ אֲשֶׁר נֶהְפַּךְ לָהֶם מִיָּגוֹן לְשִׂמְחָה, וּמֵאֵבֶל לְיוֹם טוֹב; לַעֲשׂוֹת אוֹתָם, יְמֵי מִשְׁתֶּה וְשִׂמְחָה, וּמִשְׁלֹחַ מָנוֹת אִישׁ לְרֵעֵהוּ, וּמַתָּנוֹת לָאֶבְיֹנִים

These will be as the days when the Jews enjoyed relief from their foes, and the month was transformed for them -- from sorrow to gladness, and from mourning to festivity; that they should make them days of:

  1. "mishteh v'simcha" (feasting and gladness), and
  2. "mishloach manot" (sending goodies to one another), and 
  3. "matanot la-evyonim" (giving gifts to the poor).

The third and completing element -- gifts to the poor -- extends the bonds of community even further, to forge a shared identity that can withstand sectarian strife and even warfare.  And beyond that, to redress some of the root causes of conflict: poverty, illness, and need.

These are the lessons of Megillat Esther that break us out of the cycle of non-redemption, that compelled the rabbis of old to include this text in our cannon of study.  

And of course, these are the particular mitzvot of Purim (and hopefully many other days of the year) that we have accepted upon ourselves (9:27: "kimu v'kiblu").  Their reach extends beyond that of most mitzvot: a set of obligations on all Jews, in all lands, enduring throughout time -- even in the days of ha-Olam ha-Bah (the World that We Bring), might it arrive speedily and in our days.  Purim Same'ach!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Fri. night Zoo Minyan - March 5

The blizzard forced cancellation of our last Fri night Zoo Minyan, but fear not! We have rescheduled, and the new date is...

***** Next week - Fri. March 5th *****

The location will be the same lovely Mt. Pleasant.

We'll have spirited songful Davening and delicious dinner (catered entrees from Sienna's). We'll be in Mt. Pleasant, at the home of Ken Goldstein. We're seeking davenning leaders, and there's always room for davenning treats, special niggunim, etc., just write back to to volunteer.

Please make a donation toward dinner and/or bring a potluck contribution (veggie/dairy) -- details below.

The Details:
Next Friday night, March 5
Shmoozing plus set-up: 6:00pm
Rockin' Kabbalat Shabbat -- 6:30pm sharp!
Followed by Ma'ariv, dinner, singing, drashing, more shmoozing....

At the home of Ken Goldstein

For directions, check your Zoo mail, or email

ABOUT DINNER (it's not just a pot-luck!)

We will have main courses from Siena's! Kosher, lots of dairy plus at least one non-dairy option, all veggie, and all yummy! Vegetable lasagna, eggplant parmesan -- send in your requests

For shabbat dinner, the community provides some hearty entrees. You can:
  1. Contribute to the kitty to help pay for the entree AND / OR
  2. Bring a side dish, salad, or desert as a dairy / veggie pot-luck contribution.

Don't worry about whether your kitchen is kosher (or “kosher enough”), everyone gets to contribute. But please be prepared to explain what's in your dish, to help people avoid allergy or kashrut issues.

If you're worried about whether you'll be able to eat at Zoo Minyan, there is always a critical mass of pot-luck contributions with a heksher or cooked in someone's heksher-only kitchen. There are always hekshered challot and grape juice, plus the entree is hekshered. And you'll get to know people as you ask who brought which dish.

Questions? Ideas? Want to help? Need the address or directions? Write back to

Shabbos is coming!


For more FRIDAY NIGHT INFO, get all the details here. And for all the upcoming Friday night dates (through March) & Shabbat Morning dates (through May), check the Zoo Minyan Google calendar (yep, it's there, just to your left, top of the page).

Monday, February 22, 2010

Bake Hamantaschen - Thurs. (Feb. 25)

Eat 'em up, Yum!
Come bake Hamantaschen -
Thurs. Feb. 25th

Stop by anytime.
Casual drop-in folks or power bakers...all are welcome!

bring friends. kids welcome too.

we'll start at 3:30pm,
and put in the last batch at 7:45pm* 

Questions or to express interest:

Deborah & Shalom's kitchen

(check your Zoo-mail for directions, or email

*If you're a kid, or diabetic, or attended a bris that morning, or... are otherwise not fasting, come join us on the early side.  And if you are fasting, Ta'anit Ester ends at 6:32pm, so come break the fast with hot hamentaschen!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Mishkan at Zoo Minyan - Feb 20

Where is *your* Mishkan?

T'ruma is about people bringing voluntary offerings to build the Mishkan. As we wandered in the desert, some contributions toward becoming a single community were standard -- every person or every tribe brought exactly the same thing, in recognition of what was shared by the whole community.  But others were voluntary, in recognition of the uniqueness of the individual, and the need to combine those qualities harmoniously in order to achieve something truly lasting.

Let Zoo Minyan be your holy gathering place next week. And bring your spiritual and material contributions too.

Sign up for some leyning if you can. Volunteer to lead something for davenning, or offer to add something to enrich our kavannah (we call them davenning treats, i.e. creative tidbits, not actual food ;) Schlep a sefer torah, or bring some Zoo Minyan veggies. Write back to and be a supporting pole in the dessert tent!

*** Note for any of you long-timers, we'll have special visitors - Jeff Dorfman & family, here from South Africa. ***


We'll be gathering for davenning, lunch, shmoozing, singing, etc., next Saturday in Woodley Park (within walking distance of the Zoo, as is Zoo Minyan custom) at Deborah and Shalom's house.

For Leyning there are both short & medium aliyot this time...use self-service leyning spreadsheet, or email

The Details:

Zoo Minyan
Saturday, Parshat T'ruma, 20 Feb.
10am sharp, with a rousing Psukei d'Zimrah
Pot-luck dairy/veggie lunch -- main courses especially appreciated

At the home of Deborah Hittleman Flank and Shalom Flank. For directions, check your Zoo mail, or email

Shabbat Shalom

Thursday, February 04, 2010

Blizzard preempts Zoo Minyan (Feb 5)

With great disappointment (more than 10 people had already PayPal-ed or RSVPed!) we are canceling Fri night Zoo Minyan due to the snowstorm.

While getting there would not be so bad, walking home in 9-10 inches of wet heavy snow seems an awful lot of frozen slogging.
Perhaps not so Shabbos-dik...

So, many thanks to Ken for preparing to host. Looking forward to enjoying his hospitality in the future. Stay tuned for a possible rescheduled date.

(PAYPAL NOTE: If you contributed via PayPal, please let us know if you prefer a refund or to just let it ride for a future Shabbat.)

Hope to see you at the next scheduled Zoo Minyan - Sat. Feb 20.

Warm wishes for a cozy Shabbat,
Shabbat Shalom

Friday, January 29, 2010

Fri. night **LOCATION** - Feb. 5

LOCATION update -
Feb 5th Fri night Zoo Minyan will be... in lovely Mt. Pleasant!
At Ken Goldstein's house in Mt. Pleasant
For address and directions, check your Zoo Mail next week, or write to

Hope to see you there!

Fri. night Zoo Minyan - Feb. 5

Happy Tu BiShvat! Hope you enjoy some fruits and nuts and have a good, satisfying spiritual experience for this holiday of nature and cycles. And spring may be just around the corner (--though it looks like we might get snow tomorrow!)

***** Next week is Fri night Zoo Minyan *****

We'll have spirited songful Davening and delicious dinner (catered entrees from Sienna's). We'll meet in: Plan A - Mt. Pleasant, Backup plan - Woodley Park -- stay tuned for next week's email. We're seeking davenning leaders, and there's always room for davenning treats, special niggunim, etc., just write back to to volunteer (or even to host.)

Please make a donation toward dinner and/or bring a potluck contribution (veggie/dairy) -- details below.

The Details:
Next Friday night, Feb. 5
Shmoozing plus set-up: 6:00pm
Rockin' Kabbalat Shabbat -- 6:30pm sharp!
Followed by Ma'ariv, dinner, singing, drashing, more shmoozing....

At the home of (TBD - we'll get back to you)

For directions, check your Zoo mail next week, or email

ABOUT DINNER (it's not just a pot-luck!)

We will have main courses from Siena's! Kosher, lots of dairy plus at least one non-dairy option, all veggie, and all yummy! Vegetable lasagna, eggplant parmesan -- send in your requests

For shabbat dinner, the community provides some hearty entrees. You can:
  1. Contribute to the kitty to help pay for the entree AND / OR
  2. Bring a side dish, salad, or desert as a dairy / veggie pot-luck contribution.

Don't worry about whether your kitchen is kosher (or “kosher enough”), everyone gets to contribute. But please be prepared to explain what's in your dish, to help people avoid allergy or kashrut issues.

If you're worried about whether you'll be able to eat at Zoo Minyan, there is always a critical mass of pot-luck contributions with a heksher or cooked in someone's heksher-only kitchen. There are always hekshered challot and grape juice, plus the entree is hekshered. And you'll get to know people as you ask who brought which dish.

Questions? Ideas? Want to help? Need the address or directions? Write back to

is coming!


For more FRIDAY NIGHT INFO, get all the details here. And for all the upcoming Friday night dates (through March) & Shabbat Morning dates (through May), check the Zoo Minyan Google calendar (yep, it's there, just to your left, top of the page).

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Naming names - Sat. Jan. 9

First Zoo Minyan of 2010 -- this shabbos!

We're meeting this Saturday at Stefan's, in Cleveland Park -- details below.

Along with beginning a new year on the Gregorian calendar, we begin a new book of the Torah this shabbot. Shemot - "names" - begins where we left off, with a listing of Jacob's descendants. But the genealogy quickly diverges from the patterns of Breishit: no "begats", no multi-generational history, and no wives. Just the iconic 12 sons of Jacob, who are now (and forever more) called "Bnai Yisrael".

We don't even get a repetition of the "70 souls" who came down into Egypt. And when we do get a bit of a later generation's genealogy (Moshe's) -- it's anonymous! Chapter 2 begins:

וַיֵּלֶךְ אִישׁ, מִבֵּית לֵוִי; וַיִּקַּח, אֶת-בַּת-לֵוִי. וַתַּהַר הָאִשָּׁה, וַתֵּלֶד בֵּן

Now a man from the House of Levi went and took (to wife) a daughter of Levi. The woman became pregnant and bore a son.

One quick interpretation: this is the transition from the family-history of Breishit to the emerging people-hood of Shemot. Even Tanach, with its penchant for names, can't single out all two million people who left Egypt. And yet the sefer is called "Shemot", because individuals are still the essence of history. We should name names (in the positive sense) as often as we can -- as the parshah does, by beginning with the heroic actions of Shifra and Puah.

So it's time to name some names...hopefully yours. Zoo Minyan isn't necessarily heroic, but it happens because of the supportive actions of individuals. Sign up for some leyning if you can. Volunteer to lead something for davenning, or offer to add something to enrich our kavannah. Schlep a sefer torah, or bring some Zoo Minyan veggies. Write back to to add your name to a wonderful shabbat!

The Details:

We'll be gathering for davenning, lunch, shmoozing, singing, etc., this Saturday in Cleveland Park (within walking distance of the Zoo, as is Zoo Minyan custom) at Stefan's house.

Volunteers still sought for Zoo Minyan veggies, davenning treats (i.e. Kavanot or creative tidbits, not actual food ;) also Torah Transporter, and davening leaders – write back to

If you'd like to Leyn please either use the self-service Google docs leyning spreadsheet to sign up, or email

The Details:

Zoo Minyan
This Saturday, Parshat Shmot, 9 Jan.
10am sharp, with a rousing Psukei d'Zimrah
Pot-luck dairy/veggie lunch -- main courses especially appreciated

At the home of Stefan, in Cleveland Park. For directions, check your Zoo mail, or email

May your 2010 be a Shana Tovah!