Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Fri night June 19th - Cleveland Park

Zoo Minyan davenning in the Miller -&- Potluck at Stefan's (Under the Stars)!

'Tis a shabbos for diversity within community. Those who participated
in sunrise services on Shavuot experienced first-hand the ruach of
many Minyanim davenning together.

This week Zoo Minyan will be davenning together with Ruach Minyan
(which started as Van Ness Minyan, and is now housed and blossoming at
Adas Israel). Afterwords we will have a joint potluck in the building
next door, at the home of Stefan. Rumor has it, he'll be hosting us
outside under the stars.

Speaking of Under the Stars -- Zoo Minyan cordially invites people to
mix-and-match davenning and dinner with the broader Adas Israel
community's "Shabbat Under the Stars" (http://adasisrael.org/
), the one-year anniversary of
Rabbi Gil Steinlauf's arrival in our community.
If the early 6:15 dinner doesn't match your schedule, join Rabbi
Steinlauf for davenning on Adas's front porch at 7:30, then come down
to Zoo / Ruach at Stefan's for a pot-luck dinner 8:30ish *after*
davenning. If dinner with the Adas community is appealing, but you
prefer a shomer shabbos space for davenning (no instruments), and/or
nusach shivyoni, then come join us in Adas' Miller Chapel at 7pm.

So come enjoy the cool evening, and see old friends and new friends.

We'll have spirited songful Davenning (in Zoo Minyan Nusach Shivyoni -
adapted language) and delicious dinner. We're still seeking davenning
leaders, and there's always room for davenning treats, special
niggunim, etc., just write back to
Fridays@ZooMinyan.org to volunteer.

NOTE: there will not be catering from Sienna's this week. Please bring
a potluck contribution (veggie/dairy) -- details below.

The Details:
This Friday night, June 19th
Rockin' Kabbalat Shabbat -- 7pm sharp!
----> Miller Chapel, Adas Israel

Followed by pot-luck dairy/veggie dinner, singing, drashing,
shmoozing....(main courses especially appreciated)

----> At the home of Stefan, in Cleveland Park.

For directions, check your Zoo Mail, or write to info@ZooMinyan.org.

+++ ABOUT DINNER - it's a pot-luck!

Don't worry about whether your kitchen is kosher (or “kosher enough”),
everyone gets to contribute. But please be prepared to explain what's
in your dish, to help people avoid allergy or kashrut issues.

If you're worried about whether you'll be able to eat at Zoo Minyan,
there is always a critical mass of pot-luck contributions with a
heksher or cooked in someone's heksher-only kitchen. The challot and
grape juice are always hekshered. And you'll get to know people as you
ask who brought which dish. Questions? Ideas? Want to help? Write back
to Fridays@ZooMinyan.org. Shabbos is coming!

And don't forget to mark your calendars for the fast approaching June
27th Zoo Minyan (parshat Korach!). And feel free to grab your leyning
slot early, at www.TinyURL.com/Leyning

For more FRIDAY NIGHT INFO, get all the details here. And for all the upcoming Friday night dates (through September -- can you believe it?), check the Zoo Minyan Google calendar.

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