Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Dates for April (+ Paid internship?)

Pesach is on the horizon, but once we're out of Egypt what will we do?
Go to Zoo Minyan of course!

So here's a quick reminder of dates in April:
  • April 16: Fri. night
  • April 24: Zoo Minyan (Sat.)

Add them to your calendar now, and look forward to seeing you then.

If you (or anyone you know) might be interested in a PAID Internship with NHC check below.

National Havurah Committee PAID internship

The NHC is currently looking for a Summer Assistant (Intern). If you know anyone who might be interested in this job please encourage them to call or email the office. The job description is here.

The office is located in Mt. Airy, Philadelphia near public transportation, free parking and restaurants for lunch. The 10 days in New Hampshire are on a university campus in the mountains with a lake.

Yael Levin
Managing Director
National Havurah Committee

7135 Germantown Avenue, 2nd floor
Philadelphia, PA 19119
215-248-1335 Phone
215-248-9760 Fax

Zoo Minyan does not normally post info for non-Zoo Minyan items, with the exception of NHC /National Havurah
Committee, the Havurah umbrella organization we are proud to be a member of.)

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Sat. - March 20

See you on Sat.?

Are you one of the people feeling rested from last weekend's Havurah retreat?
Feeling invigorated by it?
Maybe you're feeling invigorated by the arrival of Spring and sunshine?
Or perhaps you're in search of invigoration?
Maybe you're just looking for a nice place to daven with Ruach?

Lucky for you...

Zoo Minyan is meeting this Sat.

We'll be gathering for davenning, lunch, shmoozing, singing, etc., next Saturday in Woodley Park (within walking distance of the Zoo, as is Zoo Minyan custom) at Deborah and Shalom's house.

SPECIAL NOTE: This week is also Erev Shira/ Evening of Song (folk singing and musical instruments) Come join us Sat. night -
S'udah Shlisheet & Niggunim start 6:30pm; Havdallah & Instruments start 8:30pm


(now back to info on regular Zoo Minyan Sat.)

Want to volunteer to lead something for davenning, or add something to enrich our kavannah (we call them davenning treats, i.e. creative tidbits, not actual food ;) Schlep a sefer torah, or bring some Zoo Minyan veggies? Write back to

For Leyning there are aliyot available (please sign up if you can!)...use self-service leyning spreadsheet, or email

The Details:

Zoo Minyan
Saturday, Parshat Vayikra, 20 March
10am sharp, with a rousing Psukei d'Zimrah
Pot-luck dairy/veggie lunch -- main courses especially appreciated

At the home of Deborah Hittleman Flank and Shalom Flank. For directions, check your Zoo mail, or email

Shabbat Shalom

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

This Fri night (March 5)

Hope to see you Friday night -

Mt. Pleasant - Ken Goldstein's

(for details see your Zoo-mail sent Feb. 25th, see blog entry below (under drash), or email

Shavua Tov!

--now, how's that for short & sweet?--