Monday, January 30, 2012

Tu BiShvat seder - Feb 7

Come to the Tu BiShvat seder at Deborah & Shalom's
Feb 7 - Tuesday night
held as part of Etz Chayim DC sponsored Seders in various homes during the week of Feb 5-11. (you could also pick another night at another location)

RSVP will be required.
More info coming soon.

Monday, January 09, 2012

Zoo Minyan goes to NHC Chesapeake Retreat (National Havurah Committee)

Chesapeake Retreat

February 17-19, 2012 "Shall the Rich Pay More?"

Join the National Havurah Committee, havurahs and minyans from across the Mid-Atlantic Region for the NHC Chesapeake Retreat!

Shabbat Shekalim / 24-26 Sh’vat, 5772

Pearlstone Conference and Retreat Center / Reisterstown, Maryland

Read about this year's courses and registration and retreat information at


In parashat Mishpatim, Moses receives law concerning fines, lending, and restitution. On Shabbat Shekalim, the haftarah defines a system of census and taxation, including that “the rich shall not pay more and the poor shall not pay less” than a half-shekel. In the midst of a presidential primary, with Wall Street recently occupied, and in the weeks before Passover, how do we perceive these laws? Does equal taxation promote or hinder equality? Do regulations and taxes represent an infringement on, or an enabler of, human freedom?

Take a weekend to examine these questions while experiencing the holiness of a community that learns, prays, and rests together. Individuals, families, and havurot of all ages will gather to sing, eat, study, dance, pray, debate, relax, and bond.