But even in the gathering darkness of winter, once Kislev starts tonight, we can look forward to new opportunities to rejoice. For example:
- The next Zoo Minyan on December 13th.
- The very first Friday night Zoo Minyan on December 19th!
- The new Zoo Minyan website
- Updated siddurim (we hope...)
- Ok, and Chanukah, and a new season of hope, and maybe someone has a new kitten too.
Details will come to your mailbox, as always. You can also check the new website / blog:
And we have dates through Shavuos! Check out the new Zoo Minyan Calendar (then add it to your own):
We'll be having two business-type meetings, which everyone is welcome to join. First, some more decisions on what we want Friday night davenning to look like. We'll do a weeknight gathering in the next week or two that people can either attend in person, or join on the phone. If you haven't already put your hand up, email back to: NowOnFridays@ZooMinyan.org.
Second, we're going to update the siddurim, probably next Sunday afternoon, December 7th. At least a corrected version of the Amidah, maybe more if we have the energy. If your Hebrew is good, that's great. If your photocopying and hole-punching skills are good, that's great too. For some things, we'll need you there on the 7th ; for others (e.g., editing the translation), you can stick to the comforts of your own home, you don't have to show up on Sunday. Write back to info@ZooMinyan.org if you can help.
YES! I'll be looking forward to the rousing rendition of "Mizmor leDavid; Hashem Ro`i"!