Friday, December 18, 2009

Poll re: Fri. night (end of Xmas 12/25)

An informal poll --
Will you be around next shabbos?

It's the week after TLS with instruments, so we'd usually have Friday night davenning. Will you be in town, and looking for some warm community and shabbat celebration? Or will everyone be either out of town or too tired from volunteering at the various service days? An instant Shabbat evening is there for the asking, so just say the word.

Write back to and let us know.
Thurs. = Christmas Eve
Fri. = Christmas day
Fri. night = Shabbat -with Zoo?

For now, good shabbos, chodesh tov, and hag orim same'ach!
And keep warm!!

**Volunteers for hosting: Consider Fri nights & Saturdays, soon or in the future. A fabulous way to shorten your walk - Zoo Minyan comes to you

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